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Edelist D, Golani D, Rilov G, Spanier E (2012). The invasive venomous striped eel catfish Plotosus lineatus in the Levant: possible mechanisms facilitating its rapid invasional success. Marine Biology 159(2): 283-290. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-011-1806-4.


Mienis, HK, Rittner, O, Rilov G, Almog O (2012). Some additional records of two hardly known Lessepsian migrants among the molluscs from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Triton 26:1-3.


Bulleri F, Mant R, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Chatzinikolaou E, Crowe T, Kotta J, Lyons L, Rilov R, Maggi E (2012). The effects of exotic seaweeds on native benthic assemblages: variability between trophic levels and influence of background environmental and biological conditions. Environmental Evidence 2012, 1:8.


Rilov G, Mant R, Lyons DA, Bulleri F, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Kotta J, Queiros A, Chatzinikolaou E, Crowe T, Guy-Haim T (2012). How strong is the effect of invasive ecosystem engineers on the distribution patterns of local species, the local and regional biodiversity and ecosystem functions? Environmental Evidence 1:10. DOI: 10.1186/2047-2382-1-10.


Lyons DA, Mant R, Bulleri F, Kotta J, Rilov G, Crowe T (2012). What are the effects of macroalgal blooms on the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems? A Systematic Review Protocol. Environmental Evidence 1:7. DOI:10.1186/2047-2382-1-7. 


Menge BA, Hacker SD, Lubchenco J, Craig R, Rilov G, Nobel M, Richmond E (2011). Potential impact of climate-related changes on a rocky intertidal ecosystem is buffered by differential responses to recruitment and species interactions. Ecological Monographs 81(3) 493–509.


Edelist D, Sonin O, Golani D, Rilov G, Spanier E  (2011) Spatiotemporal patterns of catch and discards of the Israeli Mediterranean Trawl fishery in the early 1990s: ecological and conservation perspectives. Scientia Marina 75(4) 641-652.


Simberloff et al. (2011). Non-natives: 141 scientists object. Nature 475 (7354) 36.


Rilov G, & Schiel RD (2011).  Community regulation: the relative importance of recruitment and predation intensity in the context of seascape. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23958. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0023958


Rilov G, & Trebes H (2010). The impacts of global climate change on marine ecosystems: global state and consequences to the marine environment. Ecology and the Environment 1: 57-65 (Hebrew).


Lopez S, Ferreira CE, Coutinho R, Rilov G. (2010). Predator-prey interactions in a bioinvasion scenario: differential predation by native predators on two exotic rocky intertidal bivalves. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 403: 101–112.


Menge BA, Chan F, Dudas S, Eerkes-Medrano D, Grorud-Colvert K, Heiman K, Hessing-Lewis M, Iles A, Milston-Clements R, Noble M, Page-Albins K, Richmond E, Rilov G, Rose J, Tyburczy J, Vinueza L & Zarnetske P. (2009). Terrestrial ecologists ignore aquatic literature: asymmetry in citation breadth in ecological publications and implications for generality and progress in ecology? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.  377: 93-100.


Menge BA, Chan F, Dudas S, Eerkes-Medrano D, Grorud-Colvert K, Heiman K, Hessing-Lewis M, Iles A, Milston-Clements R, Noble M, Page-Albins K, Richmond E, Rilov G, Rose J, Tyburczy J, Vinueza L & Zarnetske P. (2009). Do terrestrial ecologists ignore aquatic literature? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7(4): 182-183.


Dudas SE, Rilov G, Tyburczy J, Menge BA. (2009) Linking larval abundance with onshore supply and settlement using instantaneous and integrated methods. Marine Ecology Progress Series 387: 81–95.


Rilov G, Dudas S, Menge BA, Grantham B, Lubchenco J, Schiel RD (2008).  The surf zone: a semi-permeable barrier to onshore recruitment of invertebrate larvae? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 361: 59-74.


Figueira WF, Lyman SJ, Crowder LB & Rilov G  (2008). Small-scale demographic variability of the biocolor damselfish, Stegastes partitus, in the Florida Keys USA. Environmental biology of fishes 81(3): 297-311


Rilov G, Figueira WF, Lyman SJ, & Crowder L (2007).  Complex habitats may not always benefit prey: Linking visual field, reef fish behavior and distribution. Marine Ecology Progress Series 329: 225–238. 


Rilov G, & Schiel RD. (2006) Seascape-dependent subtidal-intertidal trophic linkages. Ecology 87(3) 731–744.


Rilov G, & Schiel RD (2006). Trophic linkages across seascapes: subtidal predators limit effective mussel recruitment in rocky intertidal communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 327: 83-93.


Rilov G, Gasith A & Benayahu Y.  (2005). Effect of disturbance on foraging: whelk activity on wave-exposed rocky shores with minimal tidal range. Marine Biology 147: 421–428.


Rilov G, Benayahu Y., & Gasith A. (2004). Prolonged lag in population outbreak of an invasive mussel: a shifting-habitat model. Biological Invasions 6 (3): 347-364.


Rilov G, Benayahu Y & Gasith A. (2004). Life on the edge: do biomechanical and behavioral adaptations to wave-exposure correlate with habitat partitioning in predatory whelks? Marine Ecology Progress Series 282: 193-204. IF=2.64. # Citations = 19. V, S.


Rilov G, Benayahu Y & Gasith A (2002). Effect of an exotic prey on the feeding pattern of a predatory snail. Marine Environmental Research 54: 85-98.


Rilov G, & Benayahu Y. (2002). Rehabilitation of coral reef fish communities: The importance of artificial-reef relief to recruitment rates. Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (1): 185-197.


Rilov G, Benayahu Y & Gasith A (2001). Low abundance and skewed population structure of the whelk Stramonita haemastoma along the Israeli Mediterranean coast. Marine Ecology Progress Series 218: 189-202.


Rilov G, Gasith A, Evans SM & Benayahu Y (2000). Unregulated use of TBT-based anti-fouling paints in Israel (eastern Mediterranean): high contamination and imposex levels in two marine gastropods. Marine Ecology Progress Series 192: 229-238.


Rilov G, & Benayahu Y (2000). Fish assemblage on natural vs. vertical artificial reefs in Eilat (Red Sea): the rehabilitation perspective. Marine Biology 136: 931-942.


Rilov G, & Benayahu Y (1998). Vertical artificial structures as an alternative habitat for coral reef fishes in disturbed environments. Marine Environmental Research 45: 431-451.

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